The Broadband Wireless Communication and Multimedia Laboratory of Tongji University conducts research on both theoretical and practical aspects of the next generation mobile communication technologies (5G), internet of vehicles (IOV)communications, IOV sensing, and their applications in intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The lab has been developed under Tongji University’s “985 plan” and is also part of the “2011 Plan – Intelligent New-Energy Vehicles Collaborative InnovationCenter.” In the past few years, the lab has carried out 5 research projects funded by theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (including a key program), 6 projectsfunded by the National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program), 6 sub-projects of the National Science and Technology Major Project of MOST, a number ofinternational cooperation projects (including 2 projects funded by the Key Program for International S&T Cooperation Projects of China, a Silicon Valley Fund project, an EUFP7 project, and an APEC project etc.), and more than 20 provincial and ministerial level research projects.
The lab has been awarded with 12 national and provincial scientific research awards, and 2 education awards from the Shanghai government. It has applied and owned more than 50 national patents, and published over 200 scientific papers and 8 text books .Thelab has also submitted 8 standard drafts, a national-level criterion and a Shanghaicriterion.
The lab has research cooperation and stuff/student exchanging programs with theNational Institute of Informatics (Japan), Kumamoto University (Japan), University of California at Los Angeles (USA), Columbia University (USA), University of Michigan(USA), Texas Tech University (USA) , Wayne State University (USA), Tennessee Tech University (USA), University of Exeter (UK), Heriot-Watt University (UK), University of Edinburgh (UK), KTH-Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Aalto University (Finland), Institute national des télécommunications (France), University of Erlangen (Germany), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid(Spain), Vienna University of Technology (Austria). The Lab has also established solidresearch cooperation with UTC (USA), Microsoft (USA), Cisco (USA), Renesas Mobile Corporation (Japan), Kumatsu (Japan), Bosh (Germany), Huawei, Datang Group, Changan Automobile, SAIC, Shanghai Wireless Communications Research Center etc..