| 数据驱动/AI辅助的无线通信设计 |  | Data-driven/AI-aided design of wireless communication techniques |
 | 基于信息论、统计信号处理、贝叶斯分析和机器学习,研究复杂无线通信网络的理论极限性能,以及针对终端直通网络和车辆通信网络的信息传输与跨层资源优化,包括干扰管理、功率控制、信道分配控制、多址接入控制问题的建模和求解 |  | Based on information theory, statistical signal processing, Bayesian analysis, and machine learning techniques, we investigate the theoretical performance limits that can be achieved in complex wireless communication networks, as well as various transmission design and cross-layer resource allocation methods, including e.g., interference management, power control, channel allocation, and multiple access scheduling, in next-generation device-to-device (D2D) and vehicular communication systems. |
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 | 智慧交通系统大数据 |  | Intelligent transportation system (ITS) big data |
 | 研究车辆传感器数据、交通数据采集与预处理;利用车辆数据分析驾驶员的驾驶行为特征,研判不同行驶工况下的驾驶模式和安全性,充分理解驾驶员背景和操作思维;利用交通大数据对可能发生的事故和交通状况进行提前预测预警;分析汽车驾驶过程中各种典型驾驶场景与外部环境分布,评估车辆性能 |  | In addition to vehicular sensing data and traffic data collection and pre-processing techniques, our research focuses on analyzing driving behaviors of vehicle drivers, in order to attain typical driving habits, assess safety levels, and understand their background and thinking pattern. We also investigate using traffic data to predict accidents and various traffic conditions, as well as using vehicular sensing data to analyze typical driving conditions and evaluate vehicle performance. |
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 | 智慧城市大数据 |  | Smart city big data |
 | 基于智能电表、智能热表数据,提取楼宇的能源使用特征;基于移动通信大数据,分析用户时空分布特征;互联网数据爬取,舆情分析 |  | In this area, we use smart meter data to analyze energy consumption patterns of large buildings, to provide suggestions for energy market pricing strategies and energy reduction solutions. We also study using mobile data to analyze the space-time distribution patterns of mobile users, as well as public opinion analysis through Internet data. |
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