
 分子通信与纳米物联网Molecular communication and Internet of nanothings
1纳米技术、生物技术的发展使得纳米机器人、分子机器的制造成为可能,它们可以在人体血液与组织内完成各类操作。单个分子机器的能力有限,所以研究人员考虑多个分子机器协同,通过信息交换组成网络(纳米物联网Internet of Nanothings),完成复杂任务。纳米物联网扩大了物联网的外延,支撑纳米物联网的通信技术采用分子通信技术。与传统通信技术相比,分子通信技术在模块尺寸、生物兼容性等方面更适用于人体内的小尺度通信环境。1The advancement of nanotechnology and biology enables the manufacturing of nanorobots and molecular machine, which can perform different kinds of tasks in the blood vessel or body tissues. The ability for single molecular machine is limited, therefore researchers imagine the coordination of the molecular machines, forming a network, i.e., internet of nanothings (IoNTs), by exchanging messages among them. IoNTs expands the boundary of IoTs. Molecular communication is a promising communication technique to support IoNTs. Compared with traditional communication techniques, molecular communication has smaller module size and is biocompatible, therefore more suitable for the smalls-scale environment in human body.
1相关项目:1Related Projects:
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2.国家自然科学基金(61502295):纳米通信网络中基于分子扩散的时间同步研究,2020.1.1-2018.12.31 NSFC (61502295):2.Diffusion-based Clock Synchronization in Nano Communication Networks, 2016.1.1-2018.12.31
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